Pinterest Redesign

Mobile, Interaction
Pinterest Mission
Basic Description of Pinterest(mission, goals, app): Pinterest is provides a personalized media platform, mostly for photo sharing. Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann describes the company of a “catalog of ideas,” rather than as a social network, that inspires users to “go out and do that thing.”
Project Background
As an artist and designer, gathering ideas and finding inspirations are the most important parts of the creation process. A few years ago, I had to use it because of a few classes, but I never really used it outside of the requirements because I was often confused and frustrated by the interface. Therefore, I decided to redesign the interface of the mobile app for Pinterest because although it has many neat points with the new release, there is still room for more efficiency and an easier user flow.
Current Painpoints
As I went through the current app and from my usual interactions with the app, I summarized a few pain points:
  • Too many steps for pinning
  • No way to undo pin
  • Descriptions/title inconsistent
  • extraneous/confusing icons
Redesign Goals
  • Create shorter, easier user flow
  • Simplify and add clarity
Low-Fi Wireframes
Pin(dashboard view):
Possible Solutions
  1. Long tap on photo; circular icons of different boards will come up, including an icon for new board
  2. Swipe toward the desire board to pin it to board; board icon will enlarge when chosen
  3. Feedback check icons for successful pins; undo option pops up on the edge
  4. Includes feedback for undo, feedback for a pin already pinned

Pin(expand view):

  1. Pin button will have only pin icon; discard word “save”


  1. One tap on the photo will flip it around for description

Final Designs

Pin(dashboard view):

  1. Long tap on photo; circular icons of different boards will come up, including an icon for new board; rest of screen will blank
  2. Swipe toward the desire board to pin it to board; board icon will enlarge when chosen; Board name will show in blank part
  3. Feedback same as the current app but with an undo option to stay with current standards and easier change

Pin(expanded view):

  1. Pin button will have only pin icon; discard word "save"
  2. When pin button is pressed, it will open up the board icons again and slide to the left


  1. Hamburger menu that opens to the general user profile with a scrollable part for boards; boards view can be switched to pins or notifications
  2. Inbox icon will be on the corner because it’s not used as much and also strays away from the focus of Pinterest as idea based instead of social network based
  3. Search will be in the dashboard on top of all the pins


  1. Descriptions will stay in the same place but will only have the title and all posts will be required to have title and stay to a limit of characters