Heart to Heart

Design Thinking, Innovation, Wearable, Empathy Design, Technology
Project Overview
If you should address one issue in society today, what would you address and with which emerging technology? Driven by the curiosity to dig deeper into human relationships and emotions, our team set to create a wearable that can be easily utilize to create and reinforce connections in our world today.
My Contributions
I worked with two teammates to ideate, research, execute, and validate our idea. We worked distill the complex issues of human connections and iterated on the idea and the user experience.
My awesome teammates: Becky Jiras and Alicia Kim
Our Idea
Sometimes our relationships can make it difficult to communicate when we are feeling hurt or appreciation toward each other.  Because of this, an accurate reflection of our emotional states can become convoluted or misconstrued, building up emotional distances from our real feelings.
Heart to Heart touches on these emotional distances, which can potentially damage our relationships with one another.  With 3D printing and electronics, we created a jacket with a “life meter” that is controlled by a sliding potentiometer on the sleeve.  The jacket is meant to be a subtle communication between a pair of friends, who can increment or decrement the amount of hearts that are lit up on their jacket when their emotional states change.  

The jacket is meant to be a subtle reminder to stay cognizant of how we interact with each other, allowing us to address our feelings and reactions with more immediacy.  We believe this concept will ultimately encourage honesty and transparency in our relationships:  human to human, heart to heart.